You do not need a referral to start private therapy. You can contact us for a free telephone consultation to explore your request and, eventually, to book an initial appointment.
Therapy is a tailored treatment, therefore it is not always possible to predict its length. Evidences show that an average of 50% of people need more than 20 sessions before they can experience an improvement of their symptoms. After 40 sessions of therapy, the percentage of people who report an improvement in their wellbeing goes up to 75%.
Once we have agreed an appointment’s date and time, a payment is required to reserve that slot. Appointments are not confirmed until payment has been made. This applies both online and face to face.
We normally require 48 hours of cancellation notice otherwise we reserve the right to charge the session in full. It is understood that sometimes sudden events, such as emergencies, happen and we will take it into consideration. However the session’s price covers expenses that cannot be avoided when an appointment is cancelled; i.e. the room rental, clinical supervision, notes-keeping, written materials I supply, and reflective practice.
We reserve the right to cancel the session after 15 mins of lateness. This is because we will be unable to work beyond the allotted time as this will disrupt the clinic for other patients who may be waiting. When a session is missed we would try to re-arrange the appointment within the same week, however, when this is not possible, we reserve the right to charge the appointment in full.
Our clinicians are currently registered with Bupa, Aviva, Cigna and Vitality. If you are registered with a different private healthcare provider, you can still approach us as we might enquire with them.